
Who'd Have Thought It?


The Success Bulletin of Dave Cordle, Career Development Specialist

18th April 2017

Who’d Have Thought It? – It's all about the focus


Hello %FirstName%.

I promised you ten of the most powerful mindsets to help with your success. How did you get on with last month's (I'm in charge of my mind and therefore my choice of action or re-action in any situation)?

This month we're building on that mindset to get you thinking about where you put your attention and how this can make a difference to your results. The mindset for this month is:

​What you focus on consistently you create in your life. Therefore, focus on what you do want (not what you want to get away from).

Let's open the box and look at that one in more detail.

It's ALL about what you pay attention to


What you focus on consistenty you create in your life.

It's not magic, but it can seem like it sometimes. There are two key ways of looking at this.

Firstly, in a practical sense, our unconscious mind is programmed to make us consciously aware of the things that are important to us. Therefore, if you focus consistently on the things you want, you will notice opportunities to make them happen. They key is to remain aware and take action

The second way to look at this is in terms of The Law of Attraction which you may have learned about in books or films such as The Secret. Google "Law of Attraction" and you'll be able to find plenty of information so I'm not going to go into huge detail here. The fact is that however you choose to look at this mindset, there are definite benefits to you such as:

  • ​More of the things that you want for a start
  • A feeling of greater control in your life
  • Less stress and more happiness
  • More success - I've seen people using this mindset get amazing results in job search or identifying next career steps

Here's a practical exercise to help you implement this mindset:

  1. Notice from moment to moment what you are thinking about. Especially notice how many negative thoughts you have and how often you're focussing on things you don't want
  2. Don't be alarmed, it might be that a lot of your thoughts are on what you don't want at this stage
  3. Congratulate yourself for noticing (you're way ahead of most people who just carry on getting the bad stuff)
  4. Ask yourself this: What would I rather have than this? Try to come up with three options
  5. Pick the best option and take action to make it happen

Here's another nice exercise to help you get more of what you want:

This one's about noticing all the things that you're grateful for and pleased about in your life. The more you focus on them, the happier you feel and the more of them you get

  • Pick a time of day when you've got a couple of minutes (when you brush your teeth at night is a good time)
  • While you're brushing your teeth, say to yourself: "Today I'm pleased that I ....." "Today I'm grateful that ....", using this format for the entire two minutes to run through as many things as you can that you're grateful for and pleased about.
  • Do this regularly and you'll notice the results (and I don't just mean a sparkling set of teeth")

Let me know how you get on.

Wishing you happiness and success.


Quote of the month


"You create your own universe as you go along"

Winston Churchill

Don't leave it ...DO IT


...except the limits you put on it! If you need help, get in touch.

You're Amazing


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