
Who'd Have Thought It?


The Success Bulletin of Dave Cordle Coaching

18th Feb 2015

Who'd have thought it! A message from the fireside


Hello %FirstName%.

Welcome to Who’d have thought it? This month it’s a story a garden lighting expert told me that got me thinking.

Yet it wasn't electrical energy he was talking about. It was about the energy we waste holding on to negative things like anger rather than focussing on what we do want.

Want to find out more: Let’s open up the box and find out.

How hot coals don't always warm you up!


John isn’t just an electrician, he specialises in lighting people’s gardens and he’s one of those people who is absolutely passionate about what they do. John takes the time to talk with his customers and when he was looking at the lights in my garden earlier this month he told me this story.

He’d been at a customer’s house, an elderly lady, and she was telling him about some quite terrible things that had happened to her – being attacked and being robbed. Things that would disturb most of us deeply and things that we might feel afraid and angry about. John commented to her that she seemed very calm about all of this.

Now get this response and think about how you could you apply this to your life so that you feel less (dis)stressed and more in charge of your own outcomes – at work or elsewhere. Here's what she said:

“Holding onto anger with someone is like throwing hot coals at them. You might hurt them, but you sure burn your own hands too”

That’s deep stuff when you think about it: all the time we're holding on to anger, we're not just feeling wretched but we're probably increasing our blood pressure, getting headaches or other symptoms, and certainly not getting what we want.

So this month, why not take a peek at yourself and see if there’s something you're holding on to that's not doing you any favours. How do you feel when you think that thought? How would you feel if you couldn't think that thought?

Here’s to your success.


PS. I love meeting people who are really passionate about (and good at) what they do, so whilst this bulletin isn't a promotional service, if you want to know what lighting could do for your garden, I'll happily connect you to John.

Top quote


Here's another way to look at coal...

“Perhaps time’s definition of coal is the diamond.”

- Kahlil Gibran

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