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Short Breaks Forum Update & Lots More...

Short Breaks Forum Update from 3rd July 2023

Please click on the following link to read the notes from the Short Breaks Forum on 3rd July: Short Breaks Forum Notes – 3rd July 2023

PODS Summer Activities Facebook Page

We have set up a group to collect all sorts of information on activities happening over the summer holidays - days out, activities, Happy Healthy Active Holiday schemes, My Options, DISKS, PODS events, etc etc.

Feel free to add in anything you find - we will share from community pages and/or PODS page. We hope you find something useful and it helps you to plan your Summer days.

Thank you - Jayne Stevens 

To view the page on Facebook, please click here: PODS Summer Activities Facebook Page

SEN Exclusive Summer Fete

Tuesday 15th August from 12pm-3pm ar The Cock Hotel in Wellington

We're very lucky to be supported at this event, please join in and come along, PODS team will be there to say 'hello' too.

For more information or to book tickets, please contact Chelsea on 07488 344626

PODS Arthog Outreach and SkyReach Sessions 

Join PODS this September for sessions at Arthog Outreach (Wellington) and SkyReach (Town Park)! Sessions are every Monday at 4:45-6:15 and open for primary aged children and 12-25 years, alternating between the two venues and age groups.

Activities at SkyReach may consist of high ropes, quick jump, orienteering and crate stack. Activities at Arthog Outreach may consist of indoor Climbing, archery, orienteering, woodland/ stream adventure, bushcraft, crate Stack and abseil slope. Parent/carer attendance is required (as either participant or spectator). Bookings are essential via Ticketsource. Please email jeannie@podstelford.org for more information.

Arthog Outreach 12-25 

Arthog Outreach Primary Age - SOLD OUT

SkyReach 12-25 

SkyReach Primary Age - SOLD OUT

PODS Family Experience Annual Survey 

Please help us to share your experiences with our annual survey.

The evidence from this report is used in discussions with strategic and operational teams - across health, social care, education to work with services to understand the parent carer and family voice, and to improve outcomes.

To take part in the survey, please click the following link: PODS Family Experience Annual Survey 

If you wish to be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 shopping voucher, please complete your name/email/telephone details at the end of the form.

This survey will take approx 6 minutes to complete. nb. All information shared will be anonymised.

PODS MenSpace

Thursday 24th August 2023 from 10am at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford TF2 9TU

A chance to put the world to rights over cake and coffee! Join us at the MenSpace group. A group dedicated to male carers.

These groups are guided by you, you can talk about whatever you want, and give us all chance to help each other out. You will also be able to influence how these groups run in the future by feeding back what you want from the group and how we can achieve this. 

To book, please click here: PODS MenSpace


PODS Social - Anime (12-25s)

Tuesday 15th August 2023 from 2pm-4pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford TF2 9TU

PODS are hosting a Social Session for young people aged 12 years to 25 years and their siblings. All our Social Sessions have a very relaxed atmosphere but there is always a specific focus. This session is: ANIME.  

All the materials needed will be provided to all the young people booked. Young People are welcome to bring their own anime creations and/or references. Parents/carers to stay on the site during the session. All tickets are non-refundable.

To book, please click here: PODS Social - Anime (12-25s)

PODS Social - Games (12-25s)

Tuesday 22nd August 2023 from 2pm-4pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford TF2 9TU

PODS is hosting a Social Session for young people aged 12 years to 25 years and their siblings. All our Social Sessions have a very relaxed atmosphere but there is always a specific focus. This session is: GAMES.

Young people are encouraged to “Bring Your Own Games” to play too. Parents/carers to stay on the site during the session. All tickets are non-refundable.

To book, please click here: PODS Social - Games (12-25s)

SEN Magazine - July/August 2023

In the July/August issue of SEN Magazine, you will find articles on the following: 

  • Conductive education
  • Reverse inclusion
  • EHCPs and the law
  • Books for dyslexia
  • Diet and autism

To read those and the magazine in full, please click here: SEN Magazine - July/August 2023

Information from Telford & Wrekin Community Champions

Physical Activity

Community Events

Action for Happiness Calendar - Altruistic August 2023


Please note the above material is subject to copyright, please contact PODS before sharing any of the information in this PODS Ebulletin.

Thank you for reading our latest Ebulletin, please stay safe & well. 

Kerrie Seagrave, Member Support Co-ordinator

on behalf of PODS Parent Carer Forum.

We hope you enjoyed reading our latest e-bulletin - we hope you continue to find it useful. If you have any suggestions to make it better feel free to let me know. 

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